25 Genius Gardening Hacks You’ll Be Glad You Know


Do Lawn Edging in a Simpler Way

Image Source: pinterest.com

Creating clean, defined borders between your garden beds is crucial for a neat look. One simple approach is to place a 2 by 6 board along the desired edge and hold it firmly in place. Use your foot to steady the board while you guide a spade along its edge, maintaining a consistent direction. As you continue, shift the board to create a straight, sharp line for your garden’s layout.

The Micro Greenhouse

Image Source: moms.com

If you’re finding it tricky to start seeds or cuttings, the micro greenhouse technique could be just what you need. Take a 2-liter soda bottle, cut it at the bottom, and remove the labels. Each seed can be placed in its own bottle, turning it into a mini greenhouse. Once your seeds have sprouted and your cuttings have rooted, simply remove them and continue with the planting process.
